What time is Ikea open this Easter Weekend

What time is Ikea open this Easter weekend? When I think of Ikea, I don’t think about it being an Easter or a spring holiday. For Ikea this Easter, the answer will be no, it is an all day and all night store – opened from Friday to Sunday.

What time is Ikea open this Easter weekend

The decision to be open for Easter is based on the strategy of expanding the store’s chain in the UK. As I said, in recent years Ikea has grown rapidly in size, and as a result many UK consumers who were not shopping at their actual stores, but more so the websites were flocking to the Ikea outlets to buy things they couldn’t get in their local stores. So from Friday to Sunday, stores remain closed except for closing times. That means Ikea is open twenty-four hours a day. Some areas are open twenty-two hours and some stores are open twenty-three hours. If you are lucky enough to be somewhere on the first or second weekend, you can enjoy a fantastic discount. It is amazing that after such a hard time recently for retailers, Ikea has managed to open markets and reduce prices. Their sales have not suffered and sales appear to be up year on year in the UK.

What is interesting about Ikea Ashton is that it doesn’t appear to be going anywhere anytime soon. Over the past twelve months it has continued to expand and grow and is now the fourth-largestlargest retail store in Sweden behind Ikea, Nordstrom, and Stockholm pharmacies. Its location, on the outskirts of Malmo, Sweden has made it a convenient place for consumers to access. Its stores are spread out across a number of locations in the city and surrounding regions and can be found in most of the major towns and cities here in the UK as well as further afield in countries as Poland and the Netherlands. You will never have to travel far to find a store and they have many international outlets today as well as a number of high street stores. If you live in the capital city of London, as I do, you can get away from the crowds and browse in your leisure time. I love going into their stores and I can see why so many people enjoy them. There is always something available to eat, drink and buy, but it seems that they have not over-stocked the shelves at all. The store of Ikea in Leeds tend to have fresh produce and other foodstuffs in good condition and you are never overwhelmed by the choice. You can find Ikea shirts, beds, shoes, kids clothing, sports equipment and just about anything you could think of in one of their stores. If you are a student at university or college and want to save money on the weekends, I recommend you looking for bargains in one of the Ikea stores around campus. Not only do they have affordable prices but you are sure to find something good. There are usually hundreds of students walking around campus and I would guarantee that some of them are looking for affordable Ikea furniture to put up in their rooms. This is a great way to spend your spare time during the week and if you keep your eyes open while you are shopping you will discover that there are some great bargains to be had!

As a resident of the UK, I am always amazed by the number of bargain shopping stores that I can find in our capital. They are everywhere and it makes it easy to find something in one of these stores to take home as a gift or to use when having friends over for tea. You can save quite a bit of money shopping here compared to other stores. It may even pay to stay in London if you cannot make it out to the Ikea stores in other locations! If you are visiting Germany, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Ireland, Canada, the US or any European country for that matter, you should make sure to check out the stores in Belgium. The Ikea stores are definitely the place to go if you are looking for affordable furniture. Prices are lower here and there is often a huge selection available. You can get just about anything under the sun at this store. It really is a wonderful experience to be shopping at Ikea, whether you are on holiday or just shopping with friends from work.

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