Photography Degree Programs: On Campus and Online Photography Degrees

The building that you will spend most of your time on campus in on the Film and Television production course is the Film, Music and Media Building . The Walter Murch editing lab on the second floor is a great resource and it becomes extremely busy in the days leading up to a deadline. It is filled with 27” iMacs each equipped with customised Avid Media Composer keyboards. On Sundays before the week starts, I like to go through the lecture slides and make any notes in the margins of my notebook to prepare for the lectures I have that week.

The Link Wide offers a range of creative printing modes including the ability to add a QR code, all delivered via a shiny new app. The singular significance attached to images of fisherfolk in the material available owes much to the circumstances in which Photography News first developed. Conversely, at another level, photography is a series of different practices, different strands, all of which have different intentions, different cultural expectations and social usages. We do not send proofs of images, we feel it is unsafe to put student photos online. After an initial period of self-initiated preparation, research and …

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