Another PBS series, “Hometime” made its debut after “This Old House,” expanding on some of the tropes that made its predecessor so popular. Each episode takes a deep dive into DIY or contractor-performed home improvement projects, choosing to focus on a single installation rather than the renovation of the entire home. Dean Johnson was the series’ primary host, though he had a slew of female co-hosts over the years. Most people have to paint, so that’s generally a repair. Refinishing wood floors is maintenance, too, though installing new ones is an improvement that ought to count in your total. This is especially true in and around cities like New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston and San Diego, where home prices have increased smartly over the last decade or two.
- Local authority loans are available to owner-occupiers towards the cost of necessary works to improve, repair or extend their existing houses.
- Museums and galleries also use this as a rule of thumb.
- It’s been through a lot of changes since then, but the Emmy-winning PBS hit still stands out as one of the most trusted and beloved home renovation shows ever made.
- LEDs have been around for a few years