While you have the painting supplies out, brighten trim with a light-colored, high-gloss paint. If two tests give a high reading, consult a radon mitigation contractor . These contractors can professionally test the house and install a mitigation system for reducing radon to a harmless level. The most effective system is a vent pipe placed in the sump pit or a hole made under your concrete floor slab. The vent runs up through the house and out the roof, or out the side of the house and up to the eaves. A special in-line fan for radon is placed in the attic or outside the house to suck air through the vent.
- Our skilled professionals provide dependable, hassle-free solutions for your home.
- It focused on Tim Taylor, a former tool salesman turned TV host, and his family.
- Hi all, we have a 1960s cottage that we are finally updating.
- Reserve this improvement for the pros, and expect to pay between $500 – $3,000 for the project.
Stand on the kerb and appraise your house like you’re seeing it for the first time – is there peeling paint or cracked gutters? If the answer’s yes, it’s time whip out the paint …